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In Classes, the Client learns skills, information and/or knowledge in a focused area of interest. Classes may be knowledge-centered or student-centered and are grouped into sessions or units over time in order to maximize progress and integration of teachings. Classes can be held through 1:1 individual, small group or large group sessions. Classes include dialogue and activities that support student learning.


In a Consultation, the Client meets with the Consultant in order to gain professional and expert advice as well as intuitive and spiritual guidance. A Consultation is client-focused and may take place virtually or iover the phone. Consultations can be collaborative discussions or mastermind dialogues that open the Client up to new perspectives, ideas and approaches that will help guide the development of growth and solution oriented strategies.

Coaching is a partnership between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize their personal potential. Coaching Sessions are client-focused and are grouped in phases to promote progress. Coaching Sessions may take place virtually..  They are designed to facilitate the transformation of the Client into an experience of total well being through aligning with their purpose, setting inspiring intentions and overcoming limiting beliefs and shadow emotions.



1. Choose if Classes, Consultations or Coaching is the best fit for your circumstance.

2. Identify the areas of focus you would like to address in your sessions. Areas of focus 
may include Health, Lifestyle, Meditation, Creativity, Balance, Cosmic Awareness, Spirituality & Self-Development.

3. Schedule Sessions.



Alignment with Nature, Mindful Movement, Ayurveda & Chopra Health

5 Class Chopra Global Course: Foundations, Nutrition, Emotional Freedom, Inner Pharmacy and Circadian Rhythm Routines


Pranayama-Breathwork, Body Scan Meditation, Energetic Hygene, Restful Awareness, Mindfulness, Chopra Primordial Sound Mantra Meditation, Dharana-Concentration Meditation, Creative Visualization, Journeying & Dreamwork



Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media Collage, Dream Journaling, Totems, Symbolic  & Spiritual Arts, Sketchbooking, Murals, Public Projects, Events, Exhibitions, Portfolios, Coordinating &  Directing Creative Programs


Breathwork, Pranayama, Grounding, Layers of Life, States of Consciousness, Chakras, Electro-Magnetic Field, Aura, Mindful Movement, Aromatherapy, Color Healing & Sound Healing

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5 Class Course: Foundations, Birth Chart, Planets, Signs, Houses, Chart Rulers & Depositors, Nakshatras of the Moon


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Experience & Training in Meditation and PRACTICES


  • Health, Lifestyle & Ayurveda Teacher Certification, Meditation Teacher Certification and  Total Well Being Coaching Certification, Chopra, Global, May 2021 - June 2922.

  • Vedic Astrology Certification, Magha Vedic Astrology Academy, Kapiel Raaj, 2021.

  • Indigenous Plant Medicine for Purification & Protection, Adriana Ayales, Shift, 2021.

  • Breathwork Summit, Shift Network, February 2022.

  • Ancestoral Healing Summit, Shift Network, January 2022.

  • Shamanic Wisdom Summit, Shift Network, June 2021.

  • Andean Shamanic Journeying and Rituals to Align with the Divine Feminine for Strength and Power, Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, Shift , January - May 2021.

  • Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path with the Cosmos, Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, Shift, 2021.

  • Unlocking Transcendence, Spiritual Fitness, Jeffery Allen, Mindvalley, current.

  • Duality, Energy Training, Jeffery Allen, Mindvalley 2020.

  • Clairessence, Bio-Energetic Meditations, Manex Ibar, 2021.

  • Quintessence, Shamanic Journeying, Manex Ibar, Soulvana, 2020.

  • Silva Method, Guided Imagery Techniques, Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley, 2020.

  • Be Extraordinary, Consciousness Framework, Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley, 2020.

  • Mindfulness and Art, Professional Development Day, Lorain Khalil Rihan, Arts 4 Learning, 2020.

  • Mindfulness and Compassion, Professional Development Seminar, UCSD Mindfulness Center for Mindfulness, 2014.

  • Course in Miracles, A Course in Miracles, 2010-2012.

  • Single Subject Credential in Visual Art, Point Loma Nazarene College, 2011-2012.

  • Maters of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, Arts Integration, Lesley University, 2009-2011.

  • Life Science, Earth Science & Physics Teacher, Corpus Christi School, 2006-2008.

  • Spiritual Professional Development, Diocese of Oakland, 2004-2007.

  • Bachelors of Fine Arts, Drawing & Painting With Distinction, CCA,1998-2003.

  • Reading and Writing the Dream, Betsy Davids, CCA, 2002.

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